Sustainability report

Progressing on key topics AAK has progressed on significant key topics raised during 2019. Important steps have been taken with regards to prevention of deforestation (pages 20–21), reduction of environmental impact and improved resource efficiency has been achieved (pages 42–47) and we have activated a third-party whistleblower function (page 40). A new ambition with regards to employee engagement has been defined together with supporting initiatives (pages 13, 38–39) and we are also planning an ethical behavior training. including discrim- ination and harassment. Code of Conduct compliance is ongoing (pages 19, 40 and 86) and we will continue to assess environmental impact of our solutions with more focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions throughout operations going forward. Next steps With commitments, ambitions and supporting KPIs based on our stakeholder analysis 2019, we will con- tinue to assess and progress towards our stakeholders' expectations. AAK will conduct a new stakeholder analysis in 2022. The aim is then to also reassess and include other external experts to further evaluate AAK’s impact on economic, environmental and social aspects aligned with up-to-date research and science. AAK Sustainability Report 2020 Reporting framework | 65