Sustainability report
AAK Sustainability Report 2020 Reporting framework | 63 An eye on transparency Sustainability reporting is a tool for us to be transpar- ent about our environmental, social, and governance structure, including our contributions to local com- munities. We aim to provide balanced reporting that supports our stakeholders in their evaluation of AAK’s sustainability performance. Reporting according to GRI standards This report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option. External assurance AAK’s Sustainability Report 2020 is adapted to comply with the Swedish Annual Accounts Act based on the Directive 214/95/EU rules on disclosure of non-financial and diversity information by large companies. The auditor has performed a limited assurance of the Sustainability Report 2020. Please find the auditor's opinion on the statutory sustainability report on page 88. How to get a copy of the report? The AAK Sustainability Report is available in English and Swedish and can be accessed via To obtain a printed copy, please contact Corporate Communications at For questions regarding the report, please contact . Given that AAK is a food ingredients company, transparency is a top priority. It is crucial that we provide publicly disclosed information, such as this report, but also that we provide sufficient and fully up-to-date information to our customers that cover all their require- ments, including delivery. Here are some examples of information we provide that is not disclosed in this report. Product information sheets Product information may vary depending on whether it is a standard or highly refined product, and whether it is an ingredient or a final consumer product. Consequently, AAK’s product information sheets typically provide three types of information: • Product specification: This shows the physical and chemical properties of a product and is often part of a contract • Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS): This relates to safety issues, often concerning transport. This is a legal requirement for chemicals, but we provide it for most cus- tomers • Quality & Product Safety Sheet: This contains additional information related to the product, such as allergens, GMOs, residues, country of origin, raw materials, additives, typical fatty acid composition, etc. For some products, a Certificate of Analysis accompanies its delivery. The certificate is pro- duced by a local AAK laboratory and confirms its compliance with agreed product specifications. Internal information AAK’s Group Code of Conduct contains a list of references to relevant steering policies and procedures for internal guidance and clarifica- tion related to the content of this report. AAK also has an internal management system that contains additional Group- and site-specific policies, processes and procedures. Some of this documentation is confidential and some can be provided upon request. AAK online Through our website,, stake- holders have access to all relevant information, including policies, codes, annual reports, and supply chain progress reports. All certificates achieved by individual sites are also available. Transparency and valuable information
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