Sustainability report

Co-developing sustainable solutions The demand for solutions with stronger sustaina- bility credentials has increased significantly during 2020. At AAK, we believe that when we provide our customers with a sustainable solution, it must ena- ble them to deliver on their sustainability promises and further strengthen their brand. Working closely together When the right sustainability credentials have been identified, we engage with our customers using our co-development approach to develop the best solu- tion. This approach has served us well for many years for technical development. However, now it has also proved itself to be very valuable for the development of sustainable solutions. Our customer sustainability requirements differ sig- nificantly across industries and regions. For example, we see a higher demand for solutions with stronger sustainability credentials from our global consumer goods customers, our European and North American customers, and our customers within the plant-based foods, chocolate, and cosmetics industries. Sustainable and responsible sourcing Most often, the requested credentials relate to our sustainable sourcing practices for raw materials. Many of our customers want to mitigate potential risks to their brand from their supply chain and are asking us to share traceability details, for example whether our palm is verified deforestation-free. Human rights due diligence within the supply chain is also becoming a priority and we see a growing demand for solutions that have a sustainability certification. Improving the supply chain Besides the mitigation of brand risks, customers also express a sincere wish to make a positive impact through their supply chain. This is where our social efforts within our Kolo Nafaso program in West Africa become a very attractive proposition, as well as collab- oration opportunities in other areas. In 2020, AAK’s business segment Personal Care was presented with a Sustainable Beauty Award and named winner in the Sustainable Leadership Category. This shows how AAK is considered a leader in devel­ oping sustainable supply chains that encompass multiple aspects, from building long-term, fair, and transparent relationships to creating jobs and projects that help to mitigate climate change. As a sustainable leader, we aim to support customers and suppliers with sustainability best practices and this award is an acknowledgement of the results our teams have achieved on the ground in West Africa, and for the shared value we provide to our customers. Looking to the future Sustainable requirements and solutions are constantly evolving, which is why our ambition is to continuously develop more innovative ways to match our custo­ mers’ needs. AAK creates plant-based solutions that bring great taste and texture to the consumers in a responsible way. We see a great potential for the future, playing an active role in a more sustainable food system, supporting the transition to plant-based foods and growing our revenue from solutions con- nected to sustainable development. Anne Mette Olesen, Chief Strategy & Sustainability Officer AAK Sustainability Report 2020 60