Sustainability report
Being a better neighbor AAK India Providing support despite social distancing At AAK, we recognize that community participation is an important aspect for the long-term success of our business and for the well-being of those around us. As a global processing company, it is our responsibility to minimize our potential impact on neighboring communities. We have always played an active role in caring for our surroundings and those that live there by engaging in a variety of local activities. By carrying out impact assessments and setting goals to safeguard people and the environment, we are Making Better Happen and maintaining our social license to operate. Relevant community programs During 2020, we have been challenged to drive community engagement due to the Covid-19 pan- demic and the social distancing norms. In spite of this, AAK has managed to engage in a variety of local activities to support, while maintaining the safety of our employees. Based on rising challenges such as unemployment and the loss of income, we have been driving campaigns targeting food and clothing donations, but also supported organizations working with exposed groups in society to eventually provide training and experience to seek job opportunities and getting established on the job market. These initiatives are built on passion and a willingness to support. We are very proud of our employees that so dedicatedly drive these initiatives. Here we present two examples of relevant community engagement initiatives from different parts of the world. The first case of Covid-19 in India was reported on January 30, 2020. In March, the Government of India and State governments announced lockdowns throughout the country with social distancing measures. On hearing this, local authorities were greatly con- cerned for the well-being of migrant workers, as these, in particular, would struggle without regular and secure employment. The local authorities and NGOs reached out to AAK in India asking us to help provide basic necessities, which we of course were more than willing to do. Immediate support from AAK We decided to initiate a donation project distributing 300 food baskets filled with lentils and rice to people in need. In addition, we distributed 2,000 liters of edible oil to local villagers. Social distancing has unfortunately impacted the ability to continue with many crucial community programs. However, all this good work was made possible by maintaining strict guidelines for sanitization, social distancing, and the use of PPE (personal protection equipment). In addition, AAK in India also produced and distributed sanitizers to all employees for use at home. These worthy projects helped us to achieve our goal of being a better neighbor. However, the pandemic will continue to present further difficulties. Looking ahead, we will help people to meet and overcome these challenges, even post-Covid, by re-assessing and revisiting impacted areas as the situa- tion slowly returns to normal. AAK Sustainability Report 2020 48 Contributes to:
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