Sustainability report
Reducing waste and increasing circularity The waste per unit processed material decreased by 50 percent compared to 2019. The reduction was driven by lower volumes and improved waste management. During 2020, AAK’s production sites generated 75,704 tonnes of waste, a decrease of 49.3 percent compared to 2019. Our sites generated 1,315 tonnes hazardous waste and 74,389 tonnes non-hazardous waste. This represented an overall reduction of 49.8 percent and 2 percent, respectively. All sites have made great efforts to reduce the waste that goes to landfill. During 2020, 3,102 tonnes of waste was disposed at landfill, 579 tonnes less compared to 2019, which represents a 16 percent reduction in total. A more circular approach Over the last few years, AAK has experienced changes that have impacted the comparability of waste statis- tics from year to year. Changes in legislation and redefinitions of waste into sidestreams and byproducts have meant that there are inevitable irregularities in our data. Nevertheless, waste reduction and waste to landfill will always be a key focus area for our organization. 96 percent of our waste was recycled during 2020 and our ambition is to have 100 percent recycled waste by 2030. Going forward, AAK will also put more efforts into packaging and the use of renewable materials. We already have ongoing improvement work connected to different industry segments and good examples to learn from and apply across the organization. AAK Sustainability Report 2020 46 52.6 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2016 2017 51.7 2018 49.8 2019 53.8 2020 29.0 Total waste per processed unit Tonnes waste / per processed unit 2020 waste disposal % of tonnes -50% Recycled: 96% 1% Reuse 4% Landfill 34% Recover 61% Recyclable materials Contributes to:
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