Sustainability report
Overall, AAK’s energy consumption has decreased during 2020, due to both a reduction in processed volumes and continuous improvement projects. In total, our production sites consumed 5,478,178 GJ and the sites had a total primary energy consumption of 4,230,828 GJ. The total secondary energy consump- tion was 1,247,350 GJ, representing a 12.8 percent decrease and a 5.2 percent decrease, respectively. The total energy consumption per processed unit decreased by 5.4 percent in 2020, consisting mainly of natural gas, fuel, and biomass. The use of natural gas decreased by 22 percent, fuel decreased by 26 percent, and use of biomass decreased by 10 percent. The secondary energy use mainly consists of pur- chased electricity and steam for production processes. The renewable electricity share was 14 percent in 2020, an increase of 1 percent compared to 2019. The total energy consumption from renewable sources increased from 22 to 23 percent. Across all sites, we are working on energy efficiency projects such as energy mapping and sharing best practices which will lead to a higher energy efficiency. We are prioritizing the move towards renewable energy, such as biomass, and to increase the use of renewable electricity. Going forward, we will connect an energy efficiency target with sufficient annual GHG reduction aligned with our science-based targets. Saving valuable energy AAK Sustainability Report 2020 44 2.33 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 2016 2017 2.25 2018 2.36 2019 2.22 2020 2.10 Total energy consumption (GJ) Per unit processed material % Energy consumption per fuel type Per energy % 1% Diesel oil 12% Fuel oil 16% Coal 26% Biomass 45% Natural gas Total secondary energy 1,268,654 GJ % 13% Renewable 87% Non-renewable -5.4% Contributes to:
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