Sustainability report
At AAK, safety comes first. Our Global Safety Pro- gram ensures that we work together on continuous improvement and sharing best practices. With site audits and risk assessments, we have been able to outline our safety goals and encourage our people to focus on maintaining strict safety behavior and governance. AAK's overall objective is to achieve zero lost-time injuries across the Group. In collaboration with external auditors, all AAK sites are evaluated to ensure safe operations, including recommendations for improve- ments and any necessary corrective actions. The Covid-19 pandemic In early 2020, the world faced a new challenge with the outbreak of Covid-19. Building on strong safety procedures and agility, AAK acted quickly by identifying the potential risks for our people and operations. Communications were set up between our sites around the world, involving senior managers, health and safety managers, and line leaders. In addition, strict rules were implemented to protect employees in the workplace, such as: • Restrictions on audits and visitors at sites • Options to work from home and sanitizing rules in all areas • Updated emergency response and contingency plans • Virtual meetings, both internally and externally • New shift systems to avoid crossover between people at sites • Risk assessments on suppliers and availability of raw materials, ingredients, and packing material • Safety stocks and alternatives in supply • Active testing and other processes based on local authority ruling • Travel restrictions As a result, AAK managed to keep all operations going, safeguarding our people, and delivering against our customers’ needs and orders with minimal disruption. Risk management During 2020, we have kept the lost time injury rate (LTIR) on the same level as last year, balancing the risk of Covid-19 with general risks in our working environment. This year we also evaluated our other risks, including the most common ones of slips, trips and falls. Additional learnings, training, and governance have been implemented at all sites, together with a stronger focus on behavior and risk avoidance. Despite our best efforts we experienced one tragic and fatal incident at our site in Colombia. This was due to a combination of behavior and risk at work. To mitigate the risk of reoccurrence, an alert was sent out to all safety managers immediately after the incident and a risk assessment was completed at the site. With ded- icated support from our other sites, an improvement plan was developed and executed. Continuous improvement During the year, all sites have had a safety audit from our external partner, and we have seen great work done on improvements and outstanding actions. Where we started the year with challenges due to travel restrictions, we succeeded to maintain the audits by teamwork, virtual walks, and video calls through which we increased our total safety perfor- mance. All our sites have increased their audit perfor- mance and the outlook for the coming years is positive based on the cross-site work and the clearly defined projects for improvement. Enabling the well-being of our people – safety first AAK Sustainability Report 2020 Better Operations | 37 0.6 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 2016 2017 0.8 2018 0.6 2019 0.4 2020 0.4 +/-0% Lost time injury rate (LTIR*) 25 20 15 10 5 0 2016 20.9 2017 11.6 2018 17.5 2019 10,47 2020 11.61 Lost day rate (LDR**) +10% * LTIR: Number of injuries with more than one day of absence per 200.000 working hours (excl. West Africa) ** LDR: Number of lost working days caused by LTIs per 200.000 working hours (excl. West Africa) Contributes to:
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