Sustainability report 2019
Production sites Customization sites Sales offices Sourcing operations Customer Innovation Centers AAK is a leading provider of value-adding vegetable oils & fats. Our expertise in lipid technology within foods and special nutrition applications, our wide range of raw materials and our broad process capabilities enable us to develop innovative and value-adding solutions across many LQGXVWULHV ± &KRFRODWH &RQIHFWLRQHU\ %DNHU\ 'DLU\ 3ODQW EDVHG )RRGV 6SHFLDO 1XWULWLRQ )RRGVHUYLFH 3HUVRQDO Care, and more. AAK’s proven expertise is based on more than 140 years of experience within oils & fats. Our unique co- development approach brings our customers’ skills and know-how together with our own capabilities and mindset for lasting results. Listed on the NASDAQ OMX Stockholm and with our headquarters in Malmö, Sweden, AAK has more than GLIIHUHQW SURGXFWLRQ VLWHV VDOHV RI¿FHV LQ PRUH WKDQ FRXQWULHV DQG PRUH WKDQ HPSOR\HHV We are AAK – The Co-Development Company. We are AAK Explore more at ZZZ DDN FRP Published by AAK AB (publ.). Produced by AAK Corporate Communications and AAK Corporate Social Respsonsibility. Graphics and original: . Photography: Thomas Hergaard,, Charlotte Kropholler, Simon Siantidis, AAK, Shutterstock. Print: Exakta.
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