Sustainability report 2019

77 UN SDG UN SDG sub-targets AAK’s contribution to the UN SDGs Progress 7DUJHW Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decisionmaking in political, economic and public life :RPHQ VXSHUYLVRUV LQ %XUNLQD )DVR AAK is striving to hire the best talents at all times. We are especially proud to register an increasing number of female leaders in traditionally male dominated contexts, such as West Africa. Our &RXQWU\ 0DQDJHU LQ %XUNLQD )DVR DV ZHOO DV RXU .ROR 1DIDVR ZRPHQ¶V JURXSV PDQDJHU DQG H[WHQVLRQ RI¿FHUV DUH VWURQJ IHPDOH OHDGHUV 6HH SDJH 7DUJHW By 2030, increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix Increase the share of renewable energy in AAK’s direct and indirect energy consumption. 24% of the direct energy use in AAK stems from biomass. An increase with 22% since 2018. 7DUJHW ,PSURYHPHQW LQ HQHUJ\ HI¿FLHQF\ &RQWLQXRXV LPSURYHPHQW LQ RXU HQHUJ\ HI¿FLHQF\ Total energy consumption per processed unit decreased with 7,6 percent. 7DUJHW Decouple economic growth with destroying the environment AAK Group Policy Responsible Sourcing of Vegetable Oils and AAK Group Policy Sustainable Palm Oil require no deforestation or development of peatland and High Conservation Value areas. $$. KDV DGGHG D QHZ .3, WR WKH SDOP RLO GDVKERDUG LQ 9HUL¿HG GHIRUHVWDWLRQ IUHH SDOP RLO This is a new and important KPI for AAK that we are developing together with Proforest. We are in the process of establishing the baseline value that will include RSPO segregated volumes and mills with concession monitoring. We will extend this KPI to our soy supply chains during 2020 as well. 7DUJHW By 2030, achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including for young people and persons with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value AAK utilizes market pay data to evaluate the organizations’ pay levels in each country. AAK will assess the possibility to set up a global gender pay ratio in a new global HR system. 7DUJHW Reduce the share of youth (15–24) not in education, training or employment AAK is investing in a global trainee program to give young people the best possible start to their careers. Besides trainee programs. AAK has also managed to provide high school degrees in Mexico during 2019. 7DUJHW Protect labor rights and ensure stable working environments AAK has been a participant of UNGC since 2003. Workers rights and working environment is targeted in AAK Code of Conduct and Code of Conduct for Suppliers of Raw Materials. At the end of 2019, 98 percent had signed the Code of Conduct.