Sustainability report 2019

7KH ¿UVW FKRLFH IRU YDOXH DGGLQJ vegetable oil solutions AAK’s sustainability promise At AAK, sustainability is part of our DNA. Hand in hand ZLWK ¿QDQFLDO JURZWK VRFLDO DQG HQYLURQPHQWDO UHVSRQ - sibility is key to our continued development and future success. We believe that building sustianability into our everyday activities helps us achieve our vision of being WKH ¿UVW FKRLFH IRU YDOXH DGGLQJ YHJHWDEOH RLO VROXWLRQV In order to achieve this and structure our sustainability work we have created the AAK House of Sustainability. 7KLV LV D PRGHO IRU VXVWLDQDEOH JURZWK WKDW FRYHUV ¿YH focus areas: Our Customers, Our Suppliers, Our Planet, Our People, and Our Neighbours. It represents how we continuously work to ensure that sustainability is part of our DNA, and guides our way of working with stake- holders across the value chain. A global team effort This Sustainability Report aims to provide a clear picture of how AAK integrates sustainable practices on a daily basis. It is a global team effort involving colleagues from all sites, who contribute with their experiences about the company’s many environmental and social initia- tives. The report also includes statements, initiatives, projects and views from across the entire organization WKDW GHPRQVWUDWHV KRZ VXVWDLQDELOLW\ LV ¿UPO\ DQFKRUHG within our activities and mindset. Scope This is a stand-alone Sustainability Report that encom- passes the AAK Group, including production sites, DGPLQLVWUDWLYH RI¿FHV VDOHV RI¿FHV FXVWRPHU LQQRYDWLRQ centers, and sourcing operations. Environmental data is restricted to production sites only. 'XULQJ WKH ODVW ¿YH \HDUV $$. KDV H[SHULHQFHG VLJQL¿FDQW FKDQJHV LQ UHJDUG WR WKH VFRSH RI RXU SURGXF - tion sites, with mergers and aquisitions completed in ,QGLD 86$ DQG &RORPELD DV ZHOO DV JUHHQ¿HOG LQYHVW - ments in China and Brazil. The latest acquisitions made VXFK DV 0DDV5H¿QHU\ L 5RWWHUGDP )RRGVHUYLFH FRPSDQ\ %' )RRGV DQG 6R\D ,QWHUQDWLRQDO LQ (QJODQG are not included. As soon as new entities join AAK we focus delibe- rately to improve and align environmental and social parameters with AAK´s sustainability standards and after one year they are included in the Sustainability reporting. We identify key raw materials based on volumes, position in supply chain and risks together with our partner Proforest. The key raw materials are presented in Our Supplier section of the report. The AAK Sustainability Report is available in English DQG 6ZHGLVK DQG FDQ EH GRZQORDGHG DV D 3') IURP . To obtain a printed copy, please contact Corporate Communications at . 2