Sustainability report 2019

9 The Call to Action 2019 close out a decade of exceptional global heat, retreating ice and record sea levels driven by green- house gases from human activities. As I write this, the ongoing corona pandemic is also profoundly impacting people´s health, societies, and business operations across the world. The uncertainty in our industry has increased, especially in the short term. However, in a more long-term perspective we remain prudently optimistic about the future. AAK realizes the urgency related to climate change and we are committed to reduce our emissions and meet required ambition levels based on solid groundwork. During 2020 we will identify climate risk, frameworks and actions that can enable us to reduce our climate impact in the most effective way. Climate change impact assessments have been initiated at all production sites and during 2020 we will also initiate climate change impact assessments in our supply chain to identify how to lift the shared responsibility together with relevant stakeholders. This will provide valuable input for our actions both in terms of reduction of green- house gases and to how we can build the resilience of the company when facing climate changes. It is not only RXU UHVSRQVH WR ¿JKW FOLPDWH FKDQJH EXW DQ LQYHVWPHQW that will build long-term value for AAK. The health and well-being of our planet and our people is the responsibility of all of us and we are committed to do our part. Johan Westman, President and CEO 9