AAK sustainability report 2018

57 AAK has signed the UN Global Compact committing the company to establish anti-corruption measures. Anti-corruption is addressed in our Code of Conduct, the Supplier Code of Conduct, the Code of Conduct for Suppliers of Raw materials and the Code of Conduct for Agents and Distributors. In 2018, we had one case of corruption at one of our production sites. It involved a conflict of interest and the person was dismissed. Corruption still remains a common risk throughout the world for all companies, and a decision was made to internally promote awareness and knowledge of Labor rights issues are governed by AAK’s CSR Policy, which applies to all Group sites. Among other things, the policy states AAK’s view on child labor and young workers, on forced labor, and on freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining. Forty-seven percent of AAK’s employees are covered by collective bargaining agreements. In 2018, there were no strikes at AAK. Giving staff equal and fair treatment is another focus Anti-corruption Labor rights this topic. To that end, e-learning modules addressing anti-corruption topics are ongoing. The modules have a length of approximately 15 minutes and end with a multiple-choice test. For employees at increased risk of encountering corruption, these modules are mandatory and must be passed. During 2018, West Africa was identified as a geographical area with high risk of corruption. We therefore will conduct a suitable anti-corruption training in French and English for all employees in West Africa during 2019. area of the CSR Policy. The ratio of basic salary for men relative to women is not reported, since interpretation of the data would not give a true picture. On average, AAK pays more in salary to male employees than to female employees, not because the basic salary for male employees is higher, but because male employees generally have jobs with a higher salary. For the same job, the salary for male and female employees is the same. 57 Contributes to: